So here is something crazy.....God has really blessed us here in Winona with about a month was good to gain perspective back to where we are going and what the main goal is......When I was told that they thought it was a good idea to move the Thursday I was right with was best for everyone. I was stoked that we had at least one more person coming on board, Caitlin who moved here to go to W.S.U. (Who by the way has turned into a total blessing and has hit the ground running....pray for her) So I knew that there were going to be at least 5 Jesus Freaks hitting up the Thursday Bible Study. So as I sit back and I am praying about the study I asked God what he wanted us to do with campus because it has kind of fizzled out and it seemed he was leading us away from campus....or so I thought. I was asked what I thought about doing the study on campus....I thought we can do it a couple of times see if anyone shows up if not we can always move it. The girls came up with the idea to chalk for the study....these are things that we have done in the past nothing different........but that was in Ryan's timing......not God's......
So we started the study last week I expected it just to be the solid quintet, but low and behold we sat down and we had a lot of people pop in on the study.....we had seven new I asked, How did you find out about the study? They replied," the chalkings" how sweet is that. So we ventured through Colossians Chapter 2 tonight, we had three of the same faces and a new God blessed us cool is that? I would ask that for your prayers that I would continue to teach solid Bible Studies and pray for some of the Bible Study attendees because they are getting smacked around a bit......however Paul does talk a little about that in
Romans 5:3-5. " We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us-they help us learn to endure. 4 And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. 5 And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love"
I know that a lot of you fervently pray for us......I just want to thank you for your prayers.