Monday, April 16, 2007


If you don't know you betta ax somebodeeee!!! Carrie and I are makin' the move back to Menomonie so that we can serve at JFB-Menomonie at a greater capacity... We even have an apartment in the wraps.... on Freakland Drive woohoo! So we will be fully back and ready to serve at least by May 1st.... how's that for a post yo... gotta run chao....


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!
Frickenland drive, eh? I have had a dwelling there in times past.
If the neighbors upstairs are yelling, fighting or moving their furniture, don't bang on the ceiling with a broom handle to get them to shut up. The handle may just go through the ceiling, and then you'll have to pay for damages.

Not that I would know firsthand or anything!

A said...

Whoo Hoo! I'm glad you'll be back, even if it is in the ghetto! Very exciting! Even more exciting? That you FINALLY POSTED ON YOUR BLOG, YO!

Danielle said...

Yeeee haw for the O'Gara clan!!! I'm a little excited..
By the way, the other day, totally out of the blue Brady says, "Ryan and Carrie...I love those guys." Cute eh?

TWaits said...

Hey, as a housewarming gift I got you: a jar of maple syrup, a Tom Waits mix CD, and free kitten.

Cacturne said...

Read this sewwww late. Anyway, I must say that ax sombodeeeee is probably one of my favorite yeah. It rocks.