Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

I know...I know... I know... everybody is so sick of hearing of the media that goes with this. I am the kind of guy that purposely ignores the going ons with this kind of stuff. I phased out The Da Vinci Code until now.....

The other day I was listening to one of the two good( I'm being generous with good) radio stations here in Winona, and a D.J. went to the theater to see the movie and what all the hub-bub was about. After the movie he returned to his car to find a flyer underneath a windshield wiper. Picking up the wiper, he started to read the flyer, it was deposited by a local church telling him that was going to burn in hell for seeing the movie.....I was immediatly angry.....chapter and verse Bible says that not knowing Jesus as your Lord and Savior is what keeps from spending the rest of eternity with Christ. The church should be ashamed for all the protesting and all of the different tactics that "Church People" use when this stuff comes down the pike.
The best way that I have seen this handled was by a priest, from LaCrosse, on the television. He said,"One thing have to remember that when we are getting bent out of shape on this Book and movie is that it is in the fiction section." We are supposed to be spreading the good news of Jesus's death and rescurrection and that if we believe in him and trust and what he did on the cross you can spend eternity with him. NOT putting flyers on people's windshields telling them they are going to hell for watching a movie. If you don't like the movie don't go.....of you don't like the book don't read's just that simple....


Robert J Ellwood said...

it's just that simple!

Stuen said...

the funny thing is that all the protestors do is generate more of a buzz about the movie and probably actually cause more people to go see it instead of less.