Saturday, June 10, 2006

Things that make you go Hmmm....

I know that most of you might be looking for the lyrics to the hit song of the 90's by C+C Music Factory, but I am going to post something different.
So, over the past week I have really had some time to think about things and do some " soul searching." Coming off of hearing about putting on our Jesus clothes, to learning about locusts and the side effects that come with refusal to put your Jesus clothes on, and the week will end with JFB-Winona covering on the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6. These are the things that make you go hmmm... So as I sat down to study Ephesians I picked up a commentary by Theodore Epp and he said something that was really profound about many Christians forget about...or at least I do. I will paraphrase what he said. He spoke of how we know that we are in a spiritual battle and there is a battle that is going on beyond the naked eye. What caught my eye the most was this," we fight this spirtual battle as though as we still have to obtain a victory, but we already have victory through Jesus Christ." I sat there and thought to myself, wow....that would really change the way that a person leads their life. Yes it would, in would be the difference of being a nominal Christian and a sold out, victorious Christian. I'm pretty sure that this is the difference Amy Carmichael, Jim Elliot, D.L. Moody, and the Charles Spurgeons' of the world and a person that is just fulfilling a requirement. God is so good to us, not only did he come and die for us so that we could be with him forever, but he also gave us the tools and the power to live a victorious Christian life...... If you ever get a chance to check out the book " They found the Secret." This is just something that God is talking to me about. And I have the blog and you don't so you will listen to every word I have to say/type!


Anonymous said...

I didn't even know that you had used song lyrics for the title of your post when I did mine! I promise!

Robert J Ellwood said...

...ahh, that's much better...

Ryobi4jesus said...

Actually, I haven't...but I probably should. I like Romaine and his style/approach to to teaching...

Ryobi4jesus said...

You'll have to forgive me when i get excited I start ti stutter in my typpping