Thursday, June 01, 2006

Retreat Weekend

Yeah, the summer's Discipleship Retreat is finally here. I am pretty excited to be able to fellowship with people that I only get a blurp of a moment to see and hang with. I'm looking forward to see what God is going to do over the weekend as we dip into Colossians. For me God has really been speaking to me about a personal relationship.
Right now, every now is probably thinkin' blah, blah, blah. It is pretty easy to hear personal relationship and tune out the rest because you automatically think (if you are a Christian) I already have a personal relationship with him, I'm a Christian. What God is speaking to me about is having a real relationship with him. Not a while I'm in the public's eye relationship, not a while I'm serving relationship, but an honest to goodness, he calls the shots all the time, personal relationship. You know the kind of relationship that you read about the greats like Corrie Tenboom, George Mueller, Andrew Murray, James the Lord's brother, Paul, and Hudson Taylor had with the Lord. Where some of them literally lived minute by minute in prayer. Where they were in the harshest environments, crazy postions, with great opposition, but they didn't care because they had Christ in their corner and were in the center of God's will. This what God is speaking to me about and I know that this will be a time of growing and preparing for the next battle. A staging for the next battle if you will, as Theodin said before the big battle at Helm's Deep," The breathe before the deep plunge." I want to leave a legacy......God bless...

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